Bebe Peque RD

I’ll contact a couple providers and see if they have any general information to provide you. Several months ago we noticed alcohol and bruising several bruises on both my husband’s forearms and biceps. The bruises seem to be in the same place on both arms.

  • Too much alcohol can be toxic to liver cells, causing dehydration and permanent scarring—which ultimately affects the blood flow.
  • Why do people become addicted to alcohol and other drugs?
  • Your doctor is most aware of your medical history, previous conditions and can best advise you.
  • They should dissipate after three or four days.
  • Most alcoholic drinks are laden with sugar, so if you’re drinking too much then you could also be piling on the pounds.
  • If you don’t have liver cirrhosis yet, your liver can actually heal itself, that is, if you stop drinking alcohol.

We have no way of knowing for certain what caused your bruise and cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. As always, if you are concerned, we do recommend you talk to your doctor who knows your medical history and current conditions best. Hi Margelin, – We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. However, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform.

International Patients

Alcohol-induced bruises are indeed painful and unsightly, especially the alcohol bruising on arms and legs, but don’t worry! You may avoid these nasty markings by adopting the proper lifestyle practices and following the tips mentioned in the blog. Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach is said to have negative consequences such as increased bruise risk and other side effects. It may induce quicker absorption into the circulation, resulting in higher alcohol levels in the body. Alcohol has a bad impact on your skin health.

What does it mean if you wake up with bruises on your leg?

Unexplained leg bruising can be due to liver disease, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune conditions, and other disorders. Bruising often occurs when blood vessels beneath the skin incur damage. Blood leaks out of the vessels and pools beneath the skin, which causes skin discoloration.

We do not know enough about your medical history and current conditions or medications, and we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. It’s important you share these concerns with your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. He/she can best answer any specific questions you have. What’s the point in having the blog if you aren’t giving people individual advice? If your answer to everyone is going to be to see their doctor then this entire site is a waste of existing lol. People obviously came to this site thinking they’d get real answers and you just tell them to see their doctor like they haven’t thought of that???

When to see a doctor

These are rare, but they can be life-threatening if you don’t treat them. They aren’t caused by bumping into something, they don’t usually feel tender when you touch them, and they take longer to heal. You’re most likely to see them on the backs of your hands and arms. These are what produce normal blood coagulation, this he said can lead to large bruises from small bumps.

  • Treatments for hormonal changes are always very situation-specific but menopause symptoms can be treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy prescribed by a medical professional.
  • Most of the time, bruising occurs when a person bumps into things, falls, or injures themselves in another way.
  • «If your symptoms arise out of the blue, as in you never had issues before and then suddenly you start bleeding easily, it’s important to seek medical attention,» she explains.
  • There’s no medicine to treat alcohol-induced hepatitis directly.

Hi Joan, It’s best to call a nurse line or your doctor. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate help and guidance. We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding bruise. We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding your husband’s bruise.

Stages of Alcoholism

Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you. I have a unexplained purple bruise on the back of my thigh right around the knee area and it is painless. It just looks different form other bruises I get which are not this dark. We recommend talking to your doctor as soon as you can about the bruising that you are experiencing. Hi Gretchen , Did you ever get answers to your bruises? I’m a woman the age of 41 and the same thing has started happening to me.

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